Minutes of March 23, 2005 Meeting
Meeting was called to order and chaired by Leif Marking.
Minutes of the February meeting were approved as distributed. The treasurer's report was accepted.
Pete Tabor presented the proposed 2005-2006 financial budget and commented on it, item-by-item. Willie Fernholz moved that the proposed budget be approved; Leif Tolokken seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.
Nominations were opened for election of three members to the board of directors for two-year terms. Marc Schultz presented the names of three nominees - Leif Tolokken, Fred Craig, and Peter Tabor. There being no further nominations from the floor, the nominations were closed and a motion was unanimously accepted to cast a "unanimous" ballot for the three nominees.
The Conservation Alliance report was given by Marc Schultz.
A question was raised about the security of the donated DNR docks at Trempealeau (security from spring high waters). Marc Schultz will touch base with the DNR contact and stay on top of this.
Dick Marco noted that anyone interested in getting in the spring turkey contest must contact him before April 12.
The annual Lake/River Clean-Up is scheduled for April 30; more on this at the next meeting.
The spring clean-up of the bike trail from Lytle's to Treampealeau will happen on the night of the April meeting (April 27). If you'd like to help out with this worthy project, skip supper and show up at the lodge by 5:00 p.m. (You can eat after the meeting, when the lunch will be provided by Mary and Fred Craig.) Fred Craig and Leif Marking will have their ATVs available, which will make the whole clean-up almost "painless" and complete in short order.
The Purple Loosestrife Project will continue this spring with collection of plants for the insectary as weather and water permit. More on this from Brad Foss at the next meeting.
Leif Marking reminded folks that now is the time to evaluate locations of woodduck and bluebird houses, based on success or lack of success at present locations. Consider moving houses if they have not been utilizes at any one spot for two year. (Should also now clean out and/or otherwise prepare houses for spring occupation.)
There being no further business at hand, this annual meeting of the members of the Association was adjourned.