Lake, River, and Trail Cleanup Projects
The Brice Prairie Conservation Association supports numerous environmental cleanup activities around the Brice Prairie, Lake Onalaska, and upper Mississippi River areas. Organized projects in which BPCA participates include:
- Bike Trail Project: BPCA regularly polices the bike trail from Lytles to Trempealeau to remove trash and trim brush along the trail corridor.
- Adopt-a-River Project: BPCA participates in Chad Pregracke's Living Lands and Waters project, adopting a mile or so of the upper Mississippi River above the Dresbach Lock and Dam for cleanup.
- Annual Spring Lake/River Cleanup : BPCA originated and still participates in this spring event, which has now become a county-wide event coordinated by River Cleanup La Crosse to remove trash and litter from Lake Onalaska and other locations along Pool 7 of the upper Mississippi River. This event is scheduled for the second Saturday in May, but may be altered if floods are expected. Consult River Cleanup La Crosse for updated information.