Brice Prairie Conservation Association

Preserving Lake Onalaska and the Black River Bottoms

Annual Lake/River Cleanup Photo Gallery

This project removes trash and litter from Lake Onalaska and the upper Mississippi River along Pool 7, traditionally scheduled for the last Saturday in April.

Cleanup coordinators at table
BPCA volunteers Sue Schultz and Pete Tabor man the signup table at the upper Brice Prairie boat landing; An important safety element, cleanup volunteers are assigned a search area, and checked on and off the water.
A boatload of trash at landing
John Wetzel brings in a boatload of trash to the upper Brice Prairie boat landing.
Donuts from consumers bakery
"Baker Bob" from Consumers Bakery has faithfully donated pastries for the cleanup volunteers for many years. Thanks Bob!
Boats at landing early in the morning
The upper landing bustles with activity early in the morning on cleanup day.
rusty barrel
A rusty barrel pulled from the muddy marsh. This one had been there a long time!
cruising with trash
Cleanup days can provide some leisurely time on the River (when the weather cooperates!)